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Guidance on File Naming

Consistently name your files and folders

The most important guidance is to keep study file/folder naming and organization internally consistent within your study.

  • Establish naming and organization conventions for your study files and folders at the start of your study and consistently apply them throughout.

Universal conventions

  • File and folder names should generally be informative/descriptive
    • Wherever possible name your files and folders in a way that will let a human user reasonably infer quite a lot about what the file holds without any further information
  • File and folder names should be as brief as possible
  • It is very helpful if file and folder names are all in lower case
  • Don't use spaces or special characters
  • Preferred separator is a dash ('-'), e.g., my-data-file-1

Special conventions

  • If you have multiple files or folders of the same type, choose a naming convention that's descriptive, and not unmanageably long, and be consistent. For example:
    • One file per day, per cell, per protocol:
      • Potential convention: "day"-YYYY-MM-DD-"cell"-[0-9]-"protocol"-{short-protocol-description}
        Example filename: day-2023-03-17-cell-3-protocol-200ms-pulse.asc
    • One folder per experimental objective:
      • Potential convention: {cell-type}-{short-experimental-approach-description}-{short-experimental-objective-description}
        Example foldrer name: drg-current-clamp-effect-of-K1395R-on-drg-neuronal-excitability; drg-voltage-clamp-biophysical-properties-of-K1395R
  • If you have files that are related, choose a naming convention that's descriptive, and not unmanageably long, and be consistent. For example:
    • A tabular/csv data file that has a data dictionary
      • Potential convention: The data dictionary for a data file has the same filename as the data file, with a "dd-" prefix
      • Example file name(s):
        • Data file name: my-data-1.csv
        • Corresponding data dictionary file name: dd-my-data-1.csv
    • Several experiments that each have an experimental protocol
      • Potential convention: The protocol of the experiment has the id of that experiment (from the experiment tracker) in the filename, with a "protocol-" prefix
      • Example file name(s):
        • Experiment id (from experiment tracker): exp-1
        • Corresponding protocol file name: protocol-exp-1.txt