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When should you start thinking about creating your data package?

This will depend on a few factors, including how early on you are in your study, what your data sharing goals are, and the preferences of you and your study group - See below for details OR find the best fit for your study here

Start right away

If you are early in your study, it may be that starting right away will provide the most value for your study group and for potential secondary data users and collaborators while also reducing annotation and data sharing burden at the end of your study

Wait for shareable dataset or manuscript

If you are well into or late in your study, it may be that waiting until you've produced that exciting final analytic dataset, or published that first manuscript will make most sense to minimize annotation and data sharing burden on your study team while still providing excellent value to potential secondary data users and collaborators

Find the best fit for you

See here for some guidance on determining the best fit for your study group