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Where should you create a data package?

Data Package

Create your data package locally, wherever you store the data and non-data supporting files collected or produced by or for your study

  • Do not move or replicate any files to accommodate the data packaging process
  • Creating your "data package" amounts to creating and completing Standard data package metadata files for your study to add context and usability info about your existing data and non-data supporting files
  • You will save these Standard data package metadata files in a single file folder/directory, and save this single file folder/directory as a sub-directory within your study file/folder directory

Shareable Data Package

  • Creating your data package by creating and completing Standard data package metadata files for your study will allow creation of a "shareable" version of your data package that:
    • Includes only files that have been specified as shareable to a public repository, and
    • Is organized in a manner that facilitates submission to a public repository and human interpretability of the submitted file structure

This "shareable" version of your data package will also be created locally, and may subsequently be submitted to a public data repository by study staff.