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HEAL Resource Tracker

HEAL DSC Core Metadata piece to track and provide basic information about resource(s)/file(s) that support/are produced by/result from experiments you perform/will perform as part of your HEAL study. The objective is to list at least all files that will be submitted to a data repository in order to describe what each file is, how they relate to each other/how to use them, and how they relate to results/publications shared by the study group. Files may include results files (e.g. publications or draft publications/pieces of publications), processed and raw data files, protocol and analytic plan files, data dictionaries for tabular data files, other metadata as appropriate to data/field type, etc.


  • schemaVersion (string): Version of the overall schema (for each entry/row in the tracker) used at time of annotation; auto-populated equal to the value of the schemaVersion key for the overall schema.
  • resourceId (string): Unique ID assigned to each resource file; If using the DSC Data Packaging Tool to annotate your resource(s), these IDs will be auto-assigned based on resources already existing in your working Data Package Directory. Auto-assignment of IDs occurs by searching the directory for any resource annotation files already saved, identifying the resource ID with the highest resource ID number, and adding 1 to that number to get the resource ID number and unique resource ID for the current resource.
  • path (string): The full file path to your resource file. If you are using the DSC Data Packaging Tool and would like to use a single form to annotate multiple 'like' files, click the 'Add Multiple like Files' button above the form and drag and drop all of the like files you want to annotate together in that box. The file path for the first of the file paths you dropped in the box will be added to this field.
  • description (string): A description of your resource. For resources that are part of a set of multiple 'like' files, provide a description of the multi-file resource here and use the Resource File Description field to provide any description specific to each/any one specific file in the set.
  • category (string): Broad category your resource falls into; Generally, these categories are: results, data, metadata, code. However, the actual category options parse the categories just a bit finer (e.g. options for result resources include either 'result' or 'publication'; options for data resources include either 'tabular-data' or 'non-tabular-data'). Must be one of: ["", "publication", "result", "tabular-data", "non-tabular-data", "metadata", "code"].
  • experimentNameBelongsTo (string): If the resource pertains specifically to one of the study experiments (e.g. this resource may be a protocol for, data collected from, code used to analyze data from, a single study experiment or activity), list the experiment name for that experiment here; If the resource pertains to more than one experiment, or to all experiments/the study as a whole, leave this blank; Use the experiment name as assigned/formatted in your Experiment Tracker file. Must be one of: ["default-experiment-name"].
  • name (string): File path stem; Auto-inferred from file path.
  • title (string): Human-readable title/name of resource.
  • descriptionFileNameConvention (string): For multi-file resource containing multiple files of the same type (multiple 'like' files), provide the naming convention of the files (e.g. for a file set: [subject-01-protocol-A-day-2020-06-05.csv, subject-02-protocol-A-day-2020-06-05.csv, subject-02-protocol-B-day-2020-12-05.csv], you would specify the naming convention as: subject-{subject ID}-protocol-{protocol ID}-day-{date of measurment in YYYY-MM-DD}). If you are using the DSC Data Packaging Tool, you can use the Apply Name Convention button above the form to validate your name convention format and use a valid file name convention to generate a minimal 'Resource File Description' that is a minimal description specific to each file in the multi-file resource set.
  • descriptionFile (string): For a multi-file resource containing multiple files of the same type (multiple 'like' files), a description specific to the specific current file that is a component of that multi-file set.
  • descriptionRow (string): For a tabular data resource, a description of what one row in the tabular data resource represents; e.g. one row per subject per timepoint.
  • categorySubMetadata (string): Sub-category for a metadata resource. Must be one of: ["", "heal-formatted-data-dictionary", "other-formatted-data-dictionary", "protocol", "analysis-plan", "heal-formatted-results-tracker", "other"].
  • categorySubMetadataOther (string): If you selected "other" as your metadata type/sub-category, please tell us what kind of metadata this is.
  • categorySubData (string): Sub-category for a data resource. Must be one of: ["", "raw", "processed-intermediate", "processed-final"].
  • categorySubResult (string): Sub-category for a result resource. Must be one of: ["", "single-panel-figure", "multi-panel-figure", "table", "text"].
  • categorySubPublication (string): Sub-category for a publication resource. Must be one of: ["", "peer-review-manuscript", "report", "white-paper", "presentation", "poster"].
  • associatedFileDataDict (array): For a tabular data file resources, a reference/file path to associated data dictionary file(s) - preferably in heal csv data dictionary format.
    • Items (string)
  • associatedFileProtocol (array): For a data file resource, a reference/file path to associated protocol file(s).
    • Items (string)
  • associatedFileResultsTracker (array): For a publication resource, a reference/file path to the associated HEAL-formatted Results Tracker file - HEAL-formatted Results Tracker is a file that inventories each result in a publication (e.g. a peer-review-manuscript, report, presentation, poster, etc.), along with the data and other supporting files that underly/support each result. If you are using the DSC Data Packaging Desktop Tool, you can head to the Results Tracker tab of the tool to create a HEAL-formatted Results Tracker for your publication(s).
    • Items (string)
  • associatedFileDependsOn (array): For all resource files, if the current resource file has dependencies/if other files are necessary to make this file (e.g. raw data file necessary to make processed data file), or to interpret/understand this file (e.g. protocol, analysis plan, etc.), list them here; only list dependencies one layer deep; dependencies can be data, code, protocol, etc.; if already listed under a more specialized fields such as associatedFileDataDict, associatedFileProtocol, no need to repeat here.
    • Items (string)
  • associatedFileResultsDependOn (array): If the current resource file is a heal formatted result tracker (an file that inventories each of the results in a publication), use this field to list each result in the tracker along with its corresponding dependencies (i.e. files the result depends on, or are necessary to make/reach/interpret the result); for each result, only list dependencies one layer deep; dependencies can be data, code, protocol, etc.
    • Items (object)
      • resultId (string)
      • resultIdDependsOn (array)
  • associatedFileMultiLikeFiles (array): If the current resource file is annotating a resource that is one of multiple 'like' files, this field will list the file paths of all files that are part of the set of multiple 'like' file resources.
    • Items (string)
  • associatedFileMultiLikeFilesIds (array): If the current resource file is annotating a resource that is one of multiple 'like' files, this field will list the resource IDs for all files that are part of the set of multiple 'like' file resources.
    • Items (string)
  • access (array): What is the current/final access level anticipated for this resource? Options are permanent-private (current and final access level is private), temporary-private (current access level is private but final access level will be either managed-access or open-access), managed-access (current, final, or current AND final access level will allow request of data with barriers/restrictions to access), open-access (current, final, or current AND final access level will allow largely unrestricted request of/access to data); Many investigators will designate data as currently temporary-private, with a final access level of either managed-access or open-access: In this case choose both temporary-private AND either 1) managed-access or 2) open-access, then add the date at which you expect to transition from temporary-private to either managed-access or open-access in the Access Date field below; Private means members of the public cannot request access; Restricted access means they can request access but there is gate-keeping; Open access means they can often access the data without requesting access from a gate-keeper, and with minimal barriers to access.
    • Items (string): Must be one of: ["", "permanent-private", "temporary-private", "managed-access", "open-access"].
  • accessDate (string): If the resource file is currently being held as temporary-private access level and will transition to either managed-access or open-access access level at some point, please provide an anticipated date at which this transition will occur - Best guesses are appreciated, however you will NOT be held to this date and may update this date at any time.
  • format (string): auto inferred; e.g. csv.
  • softwareUsed (string): If the file format of the resource file is proprietary and requires specific software to open/interpret, provide the software name and version used by the study group to produce/work with the file; e.g. Origin 11.0, CorelDraw 5.6.
  • note (string): Any important notes for someone viewing or re-using a resource not covered in more structured fields of the Resource Tracker. For example, in a complex file such as an Excel Workbook, or a PRISM file, specify where the data is, where the analysis is, where the figure(s) is/are, describe what is in each sheet of an Excel Workbook. For example, brief protocol data relevant to a resource may be specified here especially if a free-standing protocol document does not exist; Also may specify directions as to where in a larger free-standing protocol document (which the user has added as a dependency of the resource) the user may find specific protocol information that pertains to this resource. For example, for a tabular data file where a heal formatted data dictionary is not appropriate (e.g. raw/normalized counts from RNAseq experiment), specify the format of a metadata file that has been added as a dependency for the resource and/or add essential metadata directly in the note (e.g. reference genome).
  • profile (string): auto inferred; e.g. tabular-data-resource.
  • mediatype (string): auto inferred; e.g. text/csv.
  • encoding (string): auto inferred; e.g. utf-8.
  • schema (string): auto inferred; for tabular resource, schema of fields contained in tabular resource; might replace this with ref to either heal csv dd or heal json dd.
  • resourceCreateDateTime (string): Date time of resource creation; auto-inferred.
  • resourceModDateTime (string): Date time at which the resource was last modified; auto-inferred.
  • annotationCreateDateTime (string): Date time at which the resource annotation was created; auto-inferred.
  • annotationModDateTime (string): Date time at which the resource annotation was last modified; auto-inferred.
  • resourceIdNumber (integer): Numeric part of the ID; autogenerated from ID; used for easy sorting by ID file.
  • resourceModTimeStamp (number): Date time at which the resource was last modified, converted to timestamp for easy sorting on datetime; auto-inferred.
  • annotationModTimeStamp (number): Date time at which the resource annotation was last modified, converted to timestamp for easy sorting by datetime; auto-inferred.
  • removed (integer): True if user has removed the resource from the scope of the data package. Must be one of: [0, 1].